Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From steel toes to stilettos

Ok, first off, I have never blogged before, nor am I much of a writer.  But after a few people mentioning to me that I should have a blog to chronicle my journey into becoming a store owner, I've decided to give it a try.  So, my name is Shelley and I am opening up an awesome shoe store in Saint John, New Brunswick this March!  As the title of my blog states, I am moving from a career in construction for the last 12 years into a career as a shop owner. 

The Urban Shoe Myth is the name of the store, and yes, I got the idea for the name from that scene in Sex and the City where Carrie gets to peruse the Vogue accessories closet.

I am a lover of shoes, and have always had the itch for business.  My hubby and I decided that I should marry these two things and try our hands at the shoe store business.  Its something I have always dreamed of doing, and now I am actually getting to do it!  It still seems a bit surreal to me.

Back in November I spent three days in Toronto and Montreal "shopping" for shoes to bring to you guys, and let me tell you there is some awesome stuff!  I was like a kid in a candy store!  I had a hard time to narrow things down - I wanted it all!  The trip was a whirlwind, and an experience.  Bsides getting up at 4am to catch my flight, having my GPS crap out on me on my way to the first appointment in the middle of Montreal morning traffic, and going for 12 hours without eating more than a stale muffin and a coffee, the trip was a success.  I can't wait to show you all the great stuff!

Now things are quite hectic.  It's crunch time.  I almost feel like I'm working at my old job again, with all the construction activities happening at the store.  If you are uptown Saint John, keep a watch out at 78 King Street - our store location.

So, this is my blog, and I'll keep you guys posted with what is happening leading up to our early March opening.


1 comment:

  1. Funny I was going to ask if you thought of a blog. I love blogging and meeting new people. As I've said before if you need help with painting or anything at all just let me know.
